Upcoming Events
This has been a busy fall here at the Library! I apologize for the long absence of postings. Many employees on the Youth Services Staff have taken vacations (including me) and then began a busy schedule of story times and craft classes. Craft classes end in October with story times wrapping up the first week of November. If you are interested in participating in the winter/spring sessions you may fill out a form at the Youth Services Desk. We will notify you when it is sign-up time.
Young children are invited to bring in a special stuffed animal friend to join our Sleep-Over Adventure Club on Friday, November 4 (before 4 PM). Over the weekend we will take pictures of their stuffed friend doing various library activities, such as reading books, listening to story time, or working a puzzle. Then the children may pick up their friend on Monday and we will give them a poster with the pictures.
Don't forget that Daylight Savings Time ends November 6. The days are already getting much shorter and chiller. Our long, hot summer seems to have finally ended!
Things will not really be slowing down in November. Sign-up is currently underway for Readers Theater Group. This group is for children 8 and up who have a curiosity about acting and drama. This group will meet November 3, 8, 10, and 15 from 3:30 to 4:45. During those times youth will learn about scripts, stage directions, how to develop a character, voice, and other beginning theater activities. Skits will be rehearsed and a performance will take place at Family Reading Night on November 17. Scripts are not memorized, as this is a Readers Theater.
Everyone is invited to attend the Library's Family Reading Night on November 17, 6:00 PM in the Library Annex. Come support our Readers Theater Group, enjoy the skits, and check out the new materials that have been arriving this fall!
Look for information about our December activities soon.
P. S. Can you guess where I went on vacation?